Allen wrote:
>I haven't double-checked, but 80MB is probably just too large for the
>current code to handle. I'll have to check to be sure, and to see why
>you didn't at least get a message saying "Kernel too big" or something.
Yes, 80M is too large.
I checked the size of all tgz files with "du -s" at NFS root directory just below.
bgjung15: {40} du -s .
656562 .
656562 is not just 80M.
I don't know the exact size.
I modified the INSTALL file to MINIROOTSIZE 80M, and Makefile.image at comon directory to 80M, and
Makefile at ramdisk to 80M also.
And made comment line off umount and vnconfig in ramdisk/Makefile.
I decompressed the base.tgz and etc.tgz to /dev/vnd0 directory and mdsetimage it to netbsd.INSTALL.
and did umount, vnconfig -u.
But there was no right code at 0x90000. I guess I made a misktake at somewhere during the procedure.
I'll try again with less size, about 20M byte for base and etc.tgz.
Boo Geum Jung
Senior Member of Research Staff,
Network S/W Platform Team,
Internet Technology Laboratory, ETRI
161 Kajong-Dong, Yusong-Gu Taejon, Korea, 305-350
Tel:+82-42-860-5315 home: