Subject: Re: RAMDISK now running! but some questions left.
To: Erik Anggard <>
From: Boo Geum Jung <>
List: port-sandpoint
Date: 05/18/2002 11:28:45
Thank you very much for your answers.
I tried as you mentioned.
More script is attached just below.
> As far as i know swapping to a ramdisk is does not serve any purpose.
> Simply remove the swap line from your /etc/fstab.
I removed the line at fstab.
But the follwoing error message came out.
/etc/rc: WARNING: No swap space configured!
> This should not happen if you created ramdisk.fs correctly, did you use
> makefs(8) or did you make it "manually" using vnconfig, newfs, etc? To
> get rid of the warning you can use vnconfig(8) to connect a vnd-device
> to ramdisk.fs and then run fsck on that vnd-device. After that you run
> vnconfig -u vnd-device and then mdsetimage(8) to install the fixed
> ramdisk.fs into the kernel again.
Yes, I manually did "mdsetimage" before vnconfig -u.
This problem was cleared!
> Some applications, like ps, fstat etc., needs to lookup symbols (to get
> their values) in the kernel. Normally the symbols are looked up in the
> kernel in the root of the filesystem (i.e. /netbsd). In a setup like
> yours that is however not very practical (since it means that the kernel
> would be on the ramdisk which resides in the kernel image). There is
> however an other way to do this using kvm_mkdb(8). This command will
> extract the symbol table from your kernel and create a db file that
> should reside in /var/db/kvm.db on your ramdisk. So after you have
> compiled your kernel you run "kvm_mkdb -o kvm.db netbsd" (where netbsd
> is the kernel you just compiled) and then you copy kvm.db to /var/db in
> the directory tree you will use to make your ramdisk.fs. Install
> ramdisk.fs in your kernel (using mdsetimage) and you're all set.
Building databases...
kvm_mkdb: /netbsd: No such file or directory
kvm_mkdb was exeuted at initial time, and it need /netbsd.
And some command like "netstat -rn" need /netbsd.
# netstat -rn
netstat: /netbsd: No such file or directory
> Do they output any error messages?
# useradd -m -c "Boo Geum Jung" -G wheel bgjung
useradd: pw_mkdb failed: No such file or directory
# vipw
vipw: the passwd file is busy.
Boo Geum Jung
Senior Member of Research Staff,
Network SW Platform Team,
Internet Technology Laboratory, ETRI
161 Kajong-Dong, Yusong-Gu Taejon, Korea, 305-350 +82-42-860-5315