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NetBSD/sandpoint vs. Linux/sandpoint

I've been working with NetBSD/sandpoint for about 1 year.
Nothing to contribute, but I've been very satisfied with it's functionality,
stability and consistency on development phase.
Nowadays, someone says why NetBSD not Linux.
I prefered NetBSD for various reseaons.
The most important fator was performance in TCP/IP and functionality  in
IPv6 networking.
One more factor was GPL.
NetBSD/sandpoint is superior or equal to Linux/sandpoint?
Most of people don't know what's the major difference between the two.

Boo Geum Jung

Senior Member of Research Staff,
Network SW Platform Team,
Internet Technology Laboratory, ETRI
161 Kajong-Dong, Yusong-Gu Taejon, Korea, 305-350
bgjung%etri.re.kr@localhost     +82-42-860-5315

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