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Re: Problems on TS-101

On Sat, 22 Oct 2011 20:22:24 +0200
Oscar Molin <oscarmolin%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:

> I just have my synology.

Oh, I thought you had a QNAP - I mixed that.

> Do you have any machine where you can test altboot.img written to
> flash? That's the only difference between us.

Is there a reason to use altboot.img? A Synology should be happy with
a plain altboot.bin.

Loading altboot from flash, via kermit-protocol or tftp should make
no difference. But maybe it does on your hardware? I don't understand

> What's your guess? Is altboot overwriting its own memory space?

No. Now I'm convinced we have a compiler problem.

After compiling the current altboot source with gcc 4.1.3 (which was the
default compiler before August) it starts working again for me!

Please try it yourself:

Frank Wille

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