Subject: Re: newbie question, serial console
To: Brandon D. Valentine <>
From: julien maerten <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 07/02/2001 17:24:14
First of all, thanx for your fast answer.

> You'll want to make sure first of all that you're using a null modem
> serial cable with RX and TX crossed and RTS and CTS crossed.  Then

I'm sure that my cable is right, as I can use it to connect to the
Irix's serial console.
In my serial communication software, I use the settings 9600 / 8N1

> sure you don't have a keyboard plugged into the Indy, or you have the
> PROM setup to boot straight to serial console.

and how do you do that ? Here are some of my env prom vars :


Thanx to all for your help


Julien Maerten
Responsable développement Unix / Open Source

55-57 rue de Montreuil, 75011 Paris - France
Tel  : +33 (0)1 46 59 43 00
Fax : +33 (0)1 46 59 20 20