Subject: 02 CDrom boot
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 09/26/2001 11:29:50
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Hi everybody
I'm new to this mailing-list, cause i've
little problems whith my new O2 R5000 180 Mhz
I've no LAN at home yet, and i've tried to
boostrap the port from a local IRIX partition
(boot stand/netbsd.ip32 at the command
prompt) : panic :-(
Then, i have 2 questions :
+ is it possible to create a CDROM with
NetBSD ffs, IP32 kernel and the right sash
(it doesn't seem to be ARCS, so what is the
right sash ???) in order to boot on this
CDRom via the command prompt
+ what sort of (NetBSD or Irix) utilitie(s)
do i need to create NetBSD ffs on my disk
Thanks a lot
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