Subject: Indy died between boots.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 11/05/2001 16:03:06
After getting a custom kernel with scsi disk support in it to netboot,
I used sgiboot, sgivol, disklabel and newfs to create a bootable hard disk.
I set up the partitions as outlined in
The box no longer boots.
Here's a dump of the box booting before it froze:
Starting up the system...
NetBSD/sgimips 1.5Y Bootstrap, Revision 1.0
(xs@freeze, Sun Nov 4 12:07:48 GMT 2001)
Mem block: type 0 base 0x0 size 0x1000
Mem block: type 1 base 0x1000 size 0x1000
Mem block: type 3 base 0x8002000 size 0x73e000
Mem block: type 6 base 0x8740000 size 0xc0000
Mem block: type 3 base 0x8800000 size 0x800000
Mem block: type 5 base 0x9000000 size 0xc000
Mem block: type 3 base 0x900c000 size 0xff4000
Local storage 887fe558
argv[0]: scsi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(8)/boot
argv[1]: OSLoadOptions=auto
argv[2]: ConsoleIn=serial(0)
argv[3]: ConsoleOut=serial(0)
argv[4]: SystemPartition=scsi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(8)
argv[5]: OSLoader=boot
argv[6]: OSLoadPartition=scsi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(0)
argv[7]: OSLoadFilename=netbsd
Boot: scsi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(0)netbsd
devopen: scsi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(0) type scsi file netbsd
diskopen: 0,2,0 scsi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(0)
1188960+118952 [56464+45906]=0x158700
Starting at 0x88002000
nsym 0x1 ssym 0x88141508 esym 0x8815a700
zs channel 0 had address 0xbfbd9830
IOC rev 1, machine Indy (Guiness), board rev 3
Timer calibration, got 665000 cycles (665000, 665000, 665000)
CPU clock speed = 66.50Mhz
At this point the serial console froze. The prom reported the cpu
as being a 133mhz cpu, but netbsd always saw it as 66.5mhz for some reason.
Whenever I switch on the box now, the light on the front goes red, and stays
that way. Nothing is sent out the serial port, or over the network. There is
also no power up sound. I have checked the power supply unit, and it appears
to be functioning correctly. The power and reset buttons don't appear
to work at all. I've tried switching it off for several hours and waiting
before booting again with no luck. I have also tried unplugging the hard disk
and it's power supply.
Any ideas? This is quite concerning. I'm a bit lost as to what to do.
Thanks for your time.