Subject: ram filesystem kernel, install tools, cdimage, etc
To: None <>
From: sgimips NetBSD list <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 11/12/2001 11:30:48
I've succeeded in building NetBSD/sgimips ram filesystem kernel,
sysinst, installation disk images and a bootable cdimage for
installation. I'm testing all of this as-we-speak.
I'd like to ensure that I'm not duplicating anyone's efforts
before I make any of this available.
All my work is on the INDY R5K.
I hope to have things "alpha" tested by this next weekend
and will put them up for ftp locally (I'm not very involved
with the NetBSD team necessarily).
Does anyone with commit privs and access to the NetBSD site
have time to work with me on any possible submissions of
changes and FTP files to the NetBSD/sgimips project? I
could really use some help and guidance with how to submit
work I've done.
A short synopsis of work I've completed thus far:
- sysinst tool built and tested -- works.
- miniroot disk image built - testing.
- ram filesystem install kernel - via netboot - works.
- bootable CD install - works.
The above items could be rather rough. I'm performing a go-through
on these to ensure they're proper and "clean".
Other work I'm pursuing:
- floppy installation
- tape installation
Any and all suggestions, recommendations and advice appreciated.
Thanks and regards,