Subject: Re: serial console hangs
To: Scott G. Akmentins-Taylor <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 11/27/2001 23:37:36
In message <>, you write:
-> I've discovered what appears to be a correlation between console
-> output and seemingly random panics. When doing a trivial execution
-> which does a lot of output, such as:
-> # cd /usr/src
-> # make build >&BUILD& tail -f BUILD
Hmm, my Challenge S has been doing this for a few days (on and off)
and I've seen no problems. This is the R4400 or the R5k?
-> If I avoid all console output on the serial console, I can have
-> a kernel running for days on the INDY (this one is an R5K).
-> If I DO perform much work which outputs to the serial console,
-> that time is cut down to hours, if not minutes.
I'd suspect the fact that the cache handling on R5k (and R4600) CPUs
in SGI machines is `odd' and has never been tested on a box with a
secondary cache. I meant to check out the post-thorpej-mips-cache
code on my R4600 Indy but haven't had the time.
-> Nonetheless, I wanted to present this bit of information as
-> food for thought. Perhaps it might pique someone's interest
-> in the meantime to see if they can duplicate the problem with
-> kernels (has been happening from as far back as I can
-> remember, namely netbsd.IP22, and continues to date with a
-> current kernel).
Hmm, this is interesting. I'll try and make sure to keep serial
output going on my Challenge to see if I see similar effects there,
but it's been quite stable (except for a mystery pmap panic that
I blew off a few weeks ago because I needed the machine to do some
other work). Maybe I'll also try and fire up my old, slow R4600
box and see how it fares these days.
Rafal Boni