Subject: Re: Continued Callenge 's' mezzanine attempts
To: Steve Foster <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 02/06/2002 11:55:21
In message <>, you write:
-> So,
-> what's the way around this then? Do we need to look at modifying the code so
-> that it can handle them?
Yes. I've had this on my to-do list nearly forever, but didn't have real
driving force to do it other than "it should be nicer". In recent times,
the real constraint has simply been "too much stuff to do/too little time".
-> On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 11:30:59PM +0900, Christopher SEKIYA wrote:
-> > On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 02:19:56PM +0000, Steve Foster wrote:
-> >
-> > > sq1 at hpc1 offset 0x54000panic: cannot share CPU interrupts
-> >
-> > The ip22 code doesn't take multiple HPCs into account, and the autoconfig
-> > assumes the sq IRQ vector is known.
-> >
-> > -- Chris
Rafal Boni
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