Subject: RE: Test/SGI 4d series
To: <>
From: Ethan <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 07/17/2002 12:26:00
> The 4D/20 preceades the IRIS/Indigo(1) series and I believe uses the MIPS
> R3000? processor. The R3000 is although supported somewhat by NetBsd, the
> bus and other components are still unsupported. The Least machine I have
> heard any level
> of success on is the Indigo2 which uses the MIPS R4000 chip.
> -=- Joel -=-
Well if anyone is interested I still have a 4d/480VGX sitting in the
garage. A member of the local unix users group had agreed to take it, but
he got orders to move so last I heard he won't be taking it. The video
portion is loaded.... all the cards (Raster Managers or whatever, don't
remember how they are titled on 4d series). It has the IO2B and MC card
with at least 64mb (maybe all the way up at 256mb). I don't think I have a
keyboard or mouse or monitor, but I made a cable to hook the indigo
(INDIGO1 NOT 2!) keyboard to the Crimson/4d/480/4d/420.
If anyone is near Southeastern Virginia and wants it to work on NetBSD
MIPS port to 4d series... I am running out of room (I have quite a
collection of SGI hardware. More hardware than time these days. The
Challenge XLs offset the 4d/480 love).
Email me off list if interested in it.
I don't know if there are any ex-SGI people on the list, or if there is
any way to get the documentation that would be needed to help support the
hardware in the 4d series. I don't have any documentation.
-- Ethan