Subject: Re: ARCS on Origin 200
To: josh lynch <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 10/18/2002 17:21:29
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
In message <p05200d02b9d5fee029ab@[]>, you write:
-> Hi all,
-> I just got an Origin200 from a friend free. I'm fairly familiar with
-> the lower end SGI models, but not so much with these. I want to try
-> and take a stab at getting NetBSD to support this monster. So I have
-> a couple of quick questions:
-> 1. Is there a way ARCS(which is a completely different version than
-> previous ARCS?) can load 32bit ELF kernels?
Probably not ELF32 kernels; IIRC, the trick the Linux-MIPS people use is
to link it as a 32-bit kernel then convert to ELF64 via an objcopy which
changes addresses (via --change-addresses) by adding in the "upper half"
of the address.
-> 2. Could there be a secondary boot-loader that's 64bits that just
-> loads the 32bit kernel? What are the basic implications?
I think as Soren points out, this is probably doable; I don't think this
is like the R8k where you don't have a 32-bit mode at all 8-)
-> I haven't had a chance to look at the Linux code base yet (they seem
-> to have initial support for the O200, yet the cvs server
-> seems to be down) so I thought I'd ask here first. Sorry for my naive
-> questions, I'm fairly new to MIPS et al. Thanks in advance!
OSS got moved somewhere... Lemme dig out the addresses from my archive..
From Ralf Baechle:
> I moved the cvs archive to two days ago. If you already
> have a checked out copy, here is how to avoid having to checkout again:
> cvs -d login
Rafal Boni
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