Subject: Re: NetBSD/sgimips success on Indigo2 Impact
To: James Dooley <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 11/15/2002 08:59:20
In message <>, you write:
-> I recently picked up an SGI Indigo2 Impact (IP22/R4400 @ 250mhz)
-> from a company that surpluses their old hardware. Since the
-> hard drive came totally wiped, and with no cd-rom drive to install
-> Irix from (even if I did have a copy), I turned to NetBSD.
-> Using the NetBSD-1.6 release, I was able to netboot the machine
-> from my NetBSD/Sparc64 machine with the install+ramdisk kernel and
-> installation went smoothly.
Excellent, glad to hear it!
-> I ran in to one small problem that I was able to fix with a day
-> of head-scratching and digging up some old manuals, but maybe it
-> should be thrown in to the FAQ or maybe I screwed up something:
-> After installing and rebooting, the system complained that rc.conf
-> was not configured, so would only boot in to single-user mode. I had
-> to use `mount -A` to get r/w access to the / partition and then use
-> the ex line-editor to change the line from configured=NO to =YES.
-> I'm curious as to why the system defaults to thinking it is not
-> configured. I don't remember having to do this when installing on
-> my Sun Ultra workstation.
I suggest you send-pr this; I can't look at this now, but will try and
get to it and check it out... It certainly sounds like it *should* set
rc_configured to YES and it's probably a matter of my having left out
the code that does this in my last-minute integration of the installer
for the 1.6 release 8-)
-> A second question: The Indigo2 has 320megs of ram in it, all of which
-> are detected by hinv, but NetBSD only seems to be detecting and using
-> the first 256megs. Is there some way to let it know there is more, or
-> is this a hard limit?
If you can rebuild a 1.6 kernel with a #define DEBUG added to sys/arch/
sgimips/sgimips/machdep.c somewhere after the #includes and send me (or
even better send-pr) the boot output, that would be good... You're now
the second person to report this and I'm very curious..
-> Anyways, thanks for all your hard work in getting NetBSD working on
-> this machine, as the linux guys (last I looked) had abandoned their
-> porting attempts before much success.
I'm glad it's helping make some neat old hardware useful; any feedback is
always appreciated, esp. when it contains bug reports (though we prefer to
get those via send-pr(8) so they don't get lost) or reports of successes
with new hardware, versions of software, etc., so feel free to send more
questions/comments/etc. to the list!
Rafal Boni
We are all worms. But I do believe I am a glowworm. -- Winston Churchill