Subject: Some simple benchmarks
To: None <>
From: Tillman Hodgson <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 04/20/2004 11:54:15
Howdy folks,

I've tossed some very simple benchmarks (bonnie++ and a portion of
'openssl speed') up on the web at:

As the disclaimer on the web page says, I'm not expecting *accuracy* out
of these numbers.

My intent is to redo the benchmarks runs multiple times and use averaged
values, to expand it to include other interesting machines I have, and
to include a a few other numbers (like Xperf for platforms where that
makes sense).

There's a few interesting things that pop out:

* Sgimips is not as fast an crypto stuff as I'd thought - perhaps a
  cache issue?
* The SCSI bus on an O2 is nice and fast, even with old non-super-duper
  drives (especially compared to the IDE interface on the Ultra 5)

Anyway, I thought I'd toss these out in case anyone was interested.


Page 356: Part of the charm of Unix is, all of a sudden, having a great
insight and saying to yourself, "So THAT's why they did it that way."
	- Harley Hahn, _The Unix Companion_