Subject: NetBSD/sgimips 2-0 very stable on INDY (with exceptions)
To: None <>
From: sgimips NetBSD list <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 05/30/2004 19:55:00
I've just completed a full 2-0 release build on my INDY R5K running 2-0.
Everything built fine, and the machine is quite stable with the
exceptions mentioned below:
1. Using csh(1) as a login shell or as "csh -l" will still
panic the kernel
2. Running ftpd(8) will still panic the kernel when it is invoked.
3. Running sshd(8) will still panic the kernel when it is invoked.
Heeding the above-mentioned warnings results is a rock-solid machine.
The release build took about three days, and the load average was pretty
much maintained above 3. This build occured on locally-mounted drives.
I'm now embarking on a build across NFS to tax the network. I'll report
back on this.
It appears that the R5K O2 is just as stable as the INDY with the above
considerations under NetBSD/sgimips 2-0 branch.
If anyone's listening, I'd REALLY love to see the R10K machines get some
attention now *GRIN*
I should also mention that the sgimips MAIN branch is also building fine
again, but I've stopped testing it locally -- it basically exhibits the
same panics right now.