Subject: panic with NetBSD-2.0
To: None <>
From: Florian Stoehr <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 12/09/2004 00:24:38

just got a panic on my Indigo2 (R4400).

This happend during the configure script of bash2:

checking for waitpid... bus error: cpu_stat 00000310 addr 0e9afad8, 
gio_stat 000
00000 addr 1fb95004
panic: cache error @ EPC 0x8806975c ErrCtl 0x20 CacheErr 0xe41afad2
Stopped in pid 6394.1 (cc1) at  0x882b5148:     jr      ra
                 bdslot: nop

Hm. Maybe the info is useful for someone (?).
