Subject: Problems with 3.0beta on IP22 Indy with R4000
To: None <>
From: Frank Wille <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 10/23/2005 16:01:18

on this rainy weekend I thought I could give the latest kernel another try,
but there are still some problems:

The machine: SGI-Indy IP22, R4000 (rev. 2.2!) CPU, 100MHz, 8k I-Cache,
8k D-Cache, 1MB L2-cache, 160MB RAM, NG1 24-bit graphics.

I download the 3.0-beta INSTALL kernel from the 18th of October and booted
it via bootp. The initialization worked well, but after /dev was created I'm
getting zillions of messages like:
  int0: unexpected local0 interrupt 0

The error message must have something to do with console-output, because it
happens nearly after any new line which is printed in the console, e.g.:

# int0: unexpected local0 interrupt 0
ls -l
total 5263
int0: unexpected local0 interrupt 0
-r--r--r--   1 root  wheel     2400 Oct  18 19:10 .profile
int0: unexpected local0 interrupt 0
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel      512 Oct  18 19:10 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel     4608 Oct  23 12:44 dev
int0: unexpected local0 interrupt 0
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel      512 Oct  18 19:10 etc
int0: unexpected local0 interrupt 0

To provoke the message I only have to press enter at the prompt and it will

# int0: unexpected local0 interrupt 0

From dmesg:

cpu0 at mainbus0: MIPS R4000 CPU (0x422) Rev. 2.2 ...
int0 at mainbus0 addr 0x1fbd9880: bus 50 MHz, CPU 100 MHz

Problem 2. ping crashes. After doing an ifconfig for my system
# ifconfig sq0 up
I tried to ping it, and it segfaults. Always reproduceable.
# ping
uid 0, pid 433, command ping, on /: file system full
/: write failed, file system is full
[1]   Segmentation fault

Maybe this is the result of one of the many known defects in the R4000 rev.2.2
CPU. I remember I had constant crashes with a 2.0 Beta version in the
beginning of this year because of that. One of the reasons I wanted to try
the latest version now. Might be related. Any workarounds added since then?

Problem 3. Already reported with 2.0beta, but still alive: The cursor is
positioned one column to the left, so you cannot see the last character you
typed. My graphics board according to dmesg:

newport0 at gio0 slot2 addr 0x1f000000: SGI NG1 (board revision 5, cmap
revision 5, xmap revision 5, vc2 revision 0), depth 8

    _  Frank Wille (
 _ //
 \X/   Phx @ #AmigaGer