Subject: Re: current does not boot
To: None <>
From: Pawel Kaczor <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 11/19/2005 21:29:58
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Dnia 2005-11-19 o godz. 19:55, przyszło od Martin Husemann:

> I just upgraded my O2 to current and now it looks like it can't execute
> init anymore - it hangs at
> scsibus1 at ahc1: 16 targets, 8 luns per target
> biomask 07 netmask 07 ttymask 07 clockmask 87
> Anyone else seen this?

Cofirmed but... my machine freezes with the same message only after hot 
reboot. When I turn it off and start again it loads without problems.

Besides, system seems to be unstable, it reboots during the 
intensive copying to/from NFS mounts.


p.s. Sorry for my poor English and "Hello" to everyone on this list as I'm 
here for the first time. I've decided to bring to live my old O2 with 
NetBSD, trying to no regret that my first choice OS was Slackware Linux not BSD. 

"A z kwiatków, jakie pan lubi najbardziej? Sztukamięs z kwiatkiem"
----------------------------------[pawel kaczor]--