Subject: Re: Indigo 2 serial console problem (accessing the PROM)
To: None <>
From: Florian Stoehr <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 12/30/2005 01:20:22
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On Fri, 30 Dec 2005, Jochen Kunz wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 23:00:25 +0100
> R=E9mi Zara <> wrote:
>> well it seems that the machine does not boot with the video card off.
>> The power light stays off, and reset and power button have no effect.
> Is there a flat power cable and a small two wire cable from the PSU to
> the riser card with the GIO slots? If yes, there should be a smal PCB at
> the outside of the PSU. Connect the two cables to that PCB when no GFX
> is pluged in.
> I had that "doesn't pwer on" problem once and needed to reseat the riser
> card to get it fixed...
>> Can I try to enter the prom blindly ? If I type "ESC" from a keyboard
>> attached to the indigo, will it enter the PROM ?
> Yes, you can. But I don't know the cammands you need out of my head. :-(
> --=20
> tsch=FC=DF,
> Jochen
> Homepage:
Hit <ESC> when the machine boots.
Then enter the following commands ( "(blabla)" =3D comment ;-)
5 (goto PROM)
setenv ConsoleOut=3Dserial(0) (serial output)
setenv ConsoleIn=3Dserial(0) (serial input)
setenv nogfxkbd=3D0 (if this is "1", machine will autoboot, even if no kbd=
Hope this works.