Subject: Iris Indigo and slow keyboard.
From: James Robinson <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 11/17/2006 09:56:49
Hi Group.....
1) I have NetBsd booting to the Installboot on my IP20 with the RS4000
board in it. ( also tried my RS 4X00 board) and the problem is that the
keyboard need to be kit about 50-70 time before it will take the key.
The keyboard works fine under that ARC console and the diag's.... I did
get one image to install to the HD, and when the box booted to a login
prompt, it did the same thing......
Any Ideas?
2) I tried to swap the main CPU boards and noticed that the MAC address
was the same. Does the MAC address get stored on the CPU board or is it
stored somewhere else?
3) I have a tool-chain on my FC6 linux box, Do I need to compile little
Endien or Big? Does it really matter?