Subject: Re: O2 R5000 & NetBSD (Current)
To: Michael Lorenz <>
From: Ole Andre Rodlie <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 09/17/2007 02:12:19
> > After the installation I selected "reboot computer", but there
> > everything froze. Even the power button didn't work (had to remove the
> > power cord).
> That happens when we reprogram the video backend to use something
> resembling a linear framebuffer. I have no idea why it apparently
> freaks out the firmware ( reboot and such are firmware calls ) or how
> to get around it.
After a reinstall the installer rebooted perfectly, strange.
> No need to power cycle though - there's a reset
> button hidden in a hole next to the power button.
Didn't know that, thanks :)
> I'm using this:
> OSLoadPartition=pci(0)scsi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(0)
> OSLoader=boot
> OSLoadFilename=netbsd
> SystemPartition=pci(0)scsi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(8)
Thanks, my first problem was how this should be used, no expert on
SGI, but finally figured out that I needed to use setenv. Everything
boots like it should.
> X11 won't be all that fast - we don't have sufficient docs about the
> rendering engine ( I got some hints but no results so far ). It does
> run in 24bit though, and with a shadow framebuffer it's kind of
> bearable.
Can't get X to work, seams like the driver is broken
( Also plugged in a PCI
Rage128 card, NetBSD & XFree can find it, but there are no available
driver. Is it possible to compile and use the 'ati' driver from XFree
on the O2?