Subject: Yet another lost and hopless Jornada 548 owner.
To: port-sh3 <>
From: Brian K. White <>
List: port-sh3
Date: 09/16/2001 04:14:17
Pasted in from web archive...
From: Raymond W. Lucke IV <>
List: port-sh3
Date: 07/24/2001 05:43:55

To anyone who can help me,

I am seriously considering jumping in on helping to port NetBSD to the
Jornada. I do not currently run NetBSD on any of my machines, and do not
have any plans to do so for now (except on my Jornada).

I have attached below the serial console log for NetBSD booting up on my
Jornada 548. What is the status of the port for that platform? From what I
can tell, no one has even really tried, due to the chipset difference.

I figure it like this, if it can at least boot, then maybe I could tweak
with maybe, say, a kernel module instead of dealing with recompiling the
kernel, copying the kernel in, rebooting, etc.

My problem is currently that I do not know how I need to set up my
development platform. What exactly do I need to do? I am completely new to
Unix-like kernel development, though I have written my own little
(ultra-simple) OS in the past, so I am familiar with general kernel coding

I am requesting two things,
1. Info on exactly what I have to do to get a good development platform.
Right now, the only machine I have been able to "play with" (eg. install
different OSes) is stuck running Win98 for ActiveSync and Embedded Visual
C++. I also have a few FreeBSD servers that my company runs on, so if it is
possible, I could just compile the kernel out of my home directory.
2. Info on ANYTHING anyone knows about the HP Jornada 548's architecture,
how it is different from the 690's or whatever.. Also, maybe a few pointers
to some info on the SH3 opcodes, etc.



I am sorry to see you didn't get any response. I too want desperately to run
linux or bsd on my 548.
No one seems to be working on it. just a bunch of guys who want it, but
can't do it.
I'm getting the feeling that I screwed up buying this thing from my buddy.
When I got it, the specs were impressive compared to other pda's, but now
others are better (screen, cpu, ram, size, weight, battery-life) which is
not such a terrible thing in itself, all hardware always suffers this, but
now that it's past it's prime and no one has happened to have gotten a linux
or bsd kernel up & running, I fear now no one ever will either. I know I
probably wouldn't invest the work if I could do it. I'd work on something
more current instead.

So I guess I'm doomed to run wince untill I can afford to get a new pda. At
least it turns out that a lot of old dos apps run in a wince dos emulator,
including an old but just current enough version of my primary
application/database development tool, filePro. Anything so long as I can
get un-shackled from &^%# Outlook.

Brian K. White  --  --
filePro BBx  Linux SCO  Prosper/FACTS AutoCAD  #callahans Satriani