Subject: sharing disk b/w sunos & netbsd
To: None <>
From: Paul Southworth <pauls@CIC.Net>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/30/1994 14:08:42
I'm about to attempt install of the new binaries on a weitek-upgraded
IPX (point being, try to make the fastest netbsd machine in the world ;)
I will have to some times switch back and forth between netbsd and sunos,
and I am wondering whether everything in my sunos /var partition is
compatible with what netbsd wants there. Are things like wtmp in the
same format? crontabs? cron's FIFO (or does that get deleted)?
syslog files? etc.
Ideally I would like to just use my current /var partition with
whichever OS I am running, to make things like mail handling work
sensibly. Anyone know if this will be a problem?
Paul Southworth
CICNet Systems Support