Subject: gcc 2.6.0 .. and creeping slowness..
To: None <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/04/1994 19:33:43
because i was bored, i decided to try out gcc 2.6.0 on my
sparc... after i made the configure recognise me, etc, it
was quite happy .. built stage3 .. all happy ..
so then i tried a kernel with it.. and it seems to be going
quite well ..
also, one problem i've been noticing a lot lately..
after a few days, my machines seems to slowly get a little
bit slower .. yet i can find nothing different in memory,
cpu, or swap usage as compared to when i first booted the
machine.. hmm. by slower .. i mean X seems to take longer
to redraw windows.. and screen(1) takes longer to swap
windows, and redraw them.. it "feels" slower..
anyone else seen this?