Subject: Xsun dumps core WasRe: Issues with X11R6 native on NetBSD/sparc
To: None <>
From: Sam C. Nicholson !! <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/03/1994 12:34:45
For those interested,
After last weeks feedback, I got the X11R6-pl5+netbsd to compile entirely.
All the clients work, as well as emacs-19.26 in an X window. However
the Xserver, Xsun, dumps core.
I made a hack in programs/Xserver/hw/sun/sunCfb.c and in sunInit*.c
The diffs are tacked onto the end of thi msg. Basically, I commented out
references to the cg2 frame buffer. It doesn't exist on the 4c, but
it may be needed for older sun4 machines, so what I did was the wrong
thing for any distribution. I had a similar problem to the one that
Dennis Ferguson reported with bw2reg.h. The patched X11R6 sources
that I ended up with actually wanted a struct def from cg2reg.h. There
is no cg2reg or cgtwo reg in the system (1 Aug snapshot) or sources
(16 Aug ) that I have. I do not believe that this change causes the
core dump, however I cannot get a -g version to compile in order to
confirm this..
When the following command executes it reports that vm is exhausted.
I suspect a limit, which I will reset and then re-make, for pstat -s
reported much more swap left at the time ld ran out. I have seen gld
run out of swap many times, I may have to throw more disk at it if
it is not a limit.
Appended FWIW
Compile Command:
make all
<lots o make stuff deleted>
gcc -o Xsun -O2 -g -L<dirs> -l<libs> ... -lm
ld: virtual memory exhausted
*** Error code 1
while ( 1 )
Device 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Type
/dev/sd0b 53136 3988 49148 8% Interleaved
while ( 1 )
Device 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Type
/dev/sd0b 53136 10884 42252 20% Interleaved
while ( 1 )
Device 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Type
/dev/sd0b 53136 21716 31420 41% Interleaved
while ( 1 )
Device 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Type
/dev/sd0b 53136 3716 49420 7% Interleaved
*** sunCfb.c Sat Oct 1 17:33:20 1994
--- sunCfb.c.cgtwo Wed Sep 28 22:02:55 1994
*** 268,280 ****
#ifndef i386 /* { */
#ifdef __NetBSD__
! /* #include <machine/cgtworeg.h> */
#ifdef SVR4
#include <sys/cg2reg.h>
#include <pixrect/cg2reg.h>
typedef struct {
struct cg2memfb mem;
--- 268,281 ----
#ifndef i386 /* { */
#ifdef __NetBSD__
! #include <machine/cgtworeg.h>
#ifdef SVR4
#include <sys/cg2reg.h>
#include <pixrect/cg2reg.h>
+ #endif /* __NetBSD__ */
typedef struct {
struct cg2memfb mem;
*** 357,363 ****
return ret;
- #endif /* __NetBSD__ */
* This used to #include <sundev/cg4reg.h> for SunOS 4 and <sys/cg4reg.h>
--- 358,363 ----
*** sunInit.c Sat Oct 1 17:39:10 1994
--- sunInit.c.cgtwo Thu Sep 29 21:31:57 1994
*** 85,91 ****
#define CG3I sunCG3Init
! #if defined(i386) || defined(__NetBSD__) /* { */
#define CG2I NULL
#define CG4I NULL
#else /* }{ */
--- 85,91 ----
#define CG3I sunCG3Init
! #ifdef i386 /* { */
#define CG2I NULL
#define CG4I NULL
#else /* }{ */
*** 172,180 ****
{ NULL, "SUN1BW (bw1)" },
{ NULL, "SUN1COLOR (cg1)" },
{ BW2I, "SUN2BW (bw2)" },
- #ifndef __NetBSD__
{ CG2I, "SUN2COLOR (cg2)" },
- #endif
{ NULL, "SUN2GP (gp1/gp2)" },
{ NULL, "SUN5COLOR (cg5/386i accel)" },
{ CG3I, "SUN3COLOR (cg3)" },
--- 172,178 ----