Subject: Request for NetBSD port status for Sparc
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/21/1995 21:52:59
Dear All,

I am considering of getting a SparcStation 4/60 (or something like that)
and run NetBSD 1.0 on it.  I am currently running 1.0 on Amiga 3000's
and it works pretty well (except for what looks like a VM handler bug).

Is the NetBSD port for SparcStations complete?  Does it work well on
SS1?  Is it able to boot via network (I would need this to get the 
system up for the first time).

Any information appreciated.  Please e-mail as I'm not (yet) on this

Thank you,

  Jukka Marin


| Mail:  Jukka Marin         |     E-Mail:  |
|        Metsurintie 17 B 8  |     FAX/voice:        +358 71 283 2793     |
|        70150 Kuopio        | There's God above computers -              |
|        FINLAND             |                       Love beyond the hate |
 \                                                                       /
  \ If a train station is where the train stops, what is a workstation? /