Subject: jan 17th binaries, and finally x11r6 binaries -static.
To: Marshall Midden <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/27/1995 08:17:09
Marshall Midden writes:

 > Only had one spurilous esp interrupt while building it.  Too bad
 > such things completely hang the esp (and all scsi disks).

Never seen this  (ss1+, 2xST1480N disks)

 > I am also having accesses to other disks fail, unless they are
 > in fstab and handled upon boot.  In addition, using the "c"
 > partition for the whole disk appears to be a no-no.  Setting
 > the "g" partition to be the same as the "c" partition appears
 > to fix it (using the g partition, of course).

My sd1c filesystem has never had any trouble at all.
