Subject: Serial console settings
To: (NetBSD/sparc Maillist) <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/29/1995 22:18:51
I'm using a Spiderport for a console on a sun4/300.
The sun starts up sending out data without parity, but right at the
end of the kernel startup (probably about the time init is run) it
switches to even parity automatically. My gettytab specifies no
parity, so when getty is run I get my console sane again, but if I
go into single user mode it loses :(
The spider port is a picky device - it must have either 7bit + parity
or 8bit, and will drop invalid characters. (Did I say I was running
all this in a screen session in an xterm - ok, so it gets worse).
All this aside - I dont see why the kernel screws around with the
parity at the end of its startup... if it was right to start with
then it should be left alone?!
Am I making sense here or is it just too late & I should be going
home? :) And if I am making sense, how do I stop the kernel from
switching that parity, and should the default be changed to that?
David (MIME) +44 171 477 8186 {post,host}master (abs)
Network Analyst, UCS, City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB.
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