Subject: Re: Playing Audio CDs under NetBSD/sparc!
To: Steve Farrell <>
From: Neil J. McRae <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/01/1995 21:30:26
> ... i've subscribed to this list b/c i have a sparc 1 and am considering
> putting netbsd in place of sunos 4.1.4 - can anyone comment on this?  how
> do the two compare in terms of stability, in particular?

NetBSD/sparc is every bit as stable as SunOS in some areas, more stable in 
certain areas and less stable in a few areas.

Basically what do you want to do?

I use 2 sparcs with NetBSD on them. One is my sorta internet server, It does
my mail, named, xntpd, acts as my xstation and a few people have accounts on 
it. I also use it as a development system to a certain extent. It's my toy
as well as being my teacher since I started getting into NetBSD, Feb this year
I've learned a hell of alot, I think thats what the core group that setup
NetBSD wanted it most for. To let people learn BSD Unix. I also use it to 
monitor my employers network from home when I am on duty as well as other
comemrcial things.

The one at work more or less does the same, but I really push it to the limits
it processes about 2000+ mail messages, runs X with about 200+ clients
and basically, up until recently, I used it as my workstation for adminstrating
the network at Demon Internet. It gets a little slow when you compile
stuff but I'd rather have NetBSD/sparc than SunOS or any PeeCee.

Peter G has managed to aquire a SPARCup chip, which if it is as good as I hear 
it is I shall be purchasing one for my Sparc at home.


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