Subject: X11R6 questions...
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mike Frisch <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/09/1995 03:19:14
	Can somebody offer some assistance in getting X11R6 under 
NetBSD/sparc?  I downloaded all of the tarballs and installed them using 
"pkg_add".  All of the necessary files seem to be there (in comparison 
with my XFree86 installation running on my Linux box), but when I type 
"startx", I get the following:

failed to set default font path 
Fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed

	All of the font directories exist and I ran "mkfontdir" on all of 
them to ensure the fonts.* files were properly created.  Why is it giving 
me an error when setting the default font path?  How do I fix this?

Any help would be appreciated!


     Mike Frisch                    Internet:
     Northstar Technologies		       Compuserve: 76620,2534
     Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA       WWW: