Subject: Re: Booting IPX diskless not too good...
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/13/1995 14:06:32
Just in case it was a hardware problem with the IPX (its just been
returned from being repaired), I tried booting hobbit (SS2) via the
net with the same result.
ok boot net netbsd -s
Boot device: /sbus/le@0,c00000 File and args: netbsd -s
>> NetBSD BOOT [$Revision: 1.4 $]
boot: client IP address:
boot: client name: hobbit
root addr= path=/export/root/hobbit
Booting netbsd @ 0x4000
The - rotated for quite a while before stopping....
and of course now I have to power cycle it.
Oh, yes the SunOS box is using UPD checksums.