Subject: sun4m on an SS20
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Galbavy <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/07/1996 16:47:39
Just a status report...
I am now running the sun4m kernel on an SS20 at work. I intend to try
(and report back on) the other sun4m flavours here. I have tried both
the SuperSparc I @ 60Mhz and the SuperSparc II @ 75.2 Mhz and they
work fine - damned fast.
I get the occasional panic:
setpte4m: no pmap for current context (XX)
where XX has varied, and I remember seeing 19 and 20 (context number
I guess). Is this one where too many concurrent processes may be trying
to run ? (ignorance is amply demonstrated by me here).
Also, I have plugeed an FSBE card into to machine and the SCSI and
Ethernet interfaces are probed fine.
I am actually using a clone system (Hamcom) and clone card (Antares)
but these are "real" clones...
Can't wait for the sources into the main tree...
If Aaron/Margo/PK have a source tree they could loan me then maybe I
can get on with some debugging here. Would any of you be (at least)
willing to build another kernel if I send you a config file ?
Peter Galbavy
@ Home phone://44/973/499465
in Wonderland