Subject: Re: NFS mounts fom Solaris-2.4
To: Stefan Monnier <>
From: Don Lewis <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/25/1996 13:48:21
On Jan 25,  3:16pm, "Stefan Monnier" wrote:
} Subject: Re: NFS mounts fom Solaris-2.4
} >   On a related note: Can anyone tell me how to specify the above in
} > /etc/fstab?  I can't seem to figure it out...
} And also how to specify it in the amd config files.
} I tried:
} 	~-0> head -3 /etc/amd/home
} 	/defaults       opts:=rw,hard,-P,intr,noquota;type:=nfs;cache:=none


 	/defaults       opts:=rw,hard,resvport,intr,noquota;type:=nfs;cache:=none