Subject: Re: NFS mounts fom Solaris-2.4
To: Don Lewis <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Don Lewis <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/29/1996 01:35:17
On Jan 27, 12:58pm, Greg Earle wrote:
} Subject: Re: NFS mounts fom Solaris-2.4
} > Try:
} > 
} > /defaults       opts:=rw,hard,resvport,intr,noquota;type:=nfs;cache:=none
} This (using "resvport") only works in you're running a -current "amd".
} There is no support for the "resvport" opts keyword in either the 1.0 or 1.1
} "amd".

It sure looks like it's in my copy of the 1.1. amd.

			---  Truck