Subject: Re: State of the Universe (Was: Re: SPARCstation 1 and Archive Viper 150)
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/12/1996 07:40:18
FWIW, I replaced SunOS 4.1.3 on one of my sparc IPX's and backups (via
UMD's amanda utility) have never once coughed. I use a HP 4mm 2gig DAT
or an Archive 4mm 2gig plus compression. I can't recall the exact
model numbers of either, but the HP was something like 3570A or some
such. NetBSD doesn't seem to like older Fujitsu 500mb drives but I
don't either so I toss them out. My Sony SDT2000 (4mm DAT) works like
a charm on my home i486.