Subject: Re: VME Ethernet with NetBSD/sparc 1.1
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/24/1996 00:01:32
Jason R. Thorpe wrote:
> I'm not sure that it's possible to use the DVMA-savvy boards on the 
> 4/100.  I think you're pretty much limited to serial boards, and the 
> like.  The 4/100 was pretty weak in the VME arena ... I think the one 
> slot was kind of token...

FWIW, I have some minimal docs for my 4/110... In the manual
labeled "Cardcage Slot Assignments and Backplane Configuration Procedures"
the "Sun-4/110X" supports these cards:
Sun 4100 CPU Board
501-1221 MCP
501-1203 Sun ALM-2
Sun VME Color Bd.
501-1153 2nd Eth Ctlr

Also, it mentions:

  For Slot 3: If you wish to install a "VME-to-Multibus Adapter Board"
  based product (such as the 2nd Ethernet), you MUST use adapter board
  subassembly revision 501-1054, revision A or later to avoid signal
  contention on the "P2 Memory" bus.

None of the Sun-2 Multibus models listed the 501-1153, though it was
listed on a Sun-2 VME model. (none of the Sun-4 models listed the
part number)  So... the 501-1153 *should* be a "real" VME card, and
*should* be supported on a 4/110.  I guess the thing to do would be
to boot SunOS and see what it thinks of the ie1.
