Subject: Installing NetBSD)1.1 from 1 hard drive
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/29/1996 11:57:21
Hello. This is in reply to a message asking how to install
NetBSD from CD with only a single harddrive available. I would
have snipped pieces of the original e^5^16^mail and included it but my
mail program doesn't support that. :(
I installed NetBSD^5^16^1.1 on a SPARCstation 1 from tape using a
single hard disk (2 GB) but the procedure will probably work from
CD. It relies on booting the workstation with the SunOS
miniroot. The miniroot loads (I believe) onto the b partition
which is normally used for swapping. It then leaves you in a
sort^5^16^of^5^16^csh environment. I did:
1) Boot miniroot. On the way, it asked about formatting and
partitioning, which I did.
2) When asked to reboot using newly installed mini^5^16^root, choose
3) Create file systems for the partitions. I used a drive with
SCSI ID 1 to avoid the Sun SCSI^5^16^ID 0 is sd3 problem. Note that
this will give you a SunOS file^5^16^system, not a NetBSD file^5^16^system.
NetBSD can read the SunOS, but SunOS cannot read the NetBSD.
newfs /dev/rsd1a {lots of stuff}
newfs /dev/rsd1g {" " " }
newfs /dev/rsd1h {" " " }
I also have a (b) and a (c) partition. The (b) is my swap
and the (c) maps to my whole drive so I didn't touch them.
Remember, if your drive is not where NetBSD expected it, sd0,
the fstab file eventually loaded into /mnt/etc/fstab will need
some changing.
4) Follow the instructions for installing from SunOS since
you're almost running SunOS. The script
didn't work for me. I ended up doing things manually. :(
4a) mount /dev/sd1a /mnt
mkdir /mnt/usr
mkdir /mnt/home
mkdir /mnt/cdrom
mount /dev/sd1g /mnt/usr
mount /dev/sd1h /mnt/home
cd /mnt/home
4b) I used: tar ^5^16^xf /dev/rst0 but you would probably use:
mount /dev/sr? /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/home
ls ^5^16^l /mnt/cdrom
Hope the files listed in the script
are there and then ...
tar ^5^16^xf /mnt/cdrom base.tar comp.tar etc.tar .......
5) You should now have your root partition mounted on /mnt, your
/usr partition mounted on /mnt/usr, and your /home partition
mounted on /mnt/home. You should have the files listed in the script in /mnt/home or some other place on
the disk. NetBSD^5^16^1.1 doesn't seem to care about /home so that's
a good place to stick them.
6) The gzip program works ok but gtar needs an additional library
is not distributed with the SunOS 4.1.1 tape from which I booted.
think it was libdl.s0.1.0 that was missing. I borrowed a copy
another machine; gtar complained about version numbers but ran
sucessfully. Walk through the script and
remember, before you reboot, put the netbsd kernel in /mnt. I
and can tell you from experience, it won't boot without it. :(..
7) I've referenced the script quite a lot.
It's very useful and can be gotten from the ftp server.
Note: Your mileage with the above may vary. My system is mostly
up with the above procedures (more or less.) Good luck.
Steven Grunza
voice: (609) 234 - 5020 ext 3101
fax: (609) 234 - 5242