Subject: Serial Port Misery
To: Stefan Arentz <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/29/1996 20:22:05
>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Arentz <> writes:
Stefan> Hi, I'm still having problems with the serial ports on my
Stefan> Sparc 1. Connected a Macintosh as a terminal, which works fine
Stefan> on our other Sparc stations.
Stefan> The problem is strange, when I try to use tip to configure the
Stefan> modem, both the Rx and Tx leds are flashing and won't stop
Stefan> until I power cycle the modem.
I had this happen before. My solution was to turn off echo on
the modem. While some getty's (like the one with Hylafax) can handle
a modem inteligently, the stock getty on UNIX expects the modem to be
silent, responding only to DTR and asserting CD for a connection.
With my Sun4/260, the modem could 'chatter' with the system fast
enough to lock it up if I didn't prevent it by turning off the echo.
Stefan> A few days back I also had the strange phenomona of modem leds
Stefan> flashing when my disk was active. That seems to went away when
Stefan> I compiled a new kernel, but it may have something to do with
Stefan> my current problems.
I havn't seen this problem. However, when the system actually
gets disk access, it might slow down the chattering 'as if' it were
flashing with the disk...
|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario. | Two things can only be |
|Mail: | equal if and only if they |
| | are precisely opposite. |