Subject: ipx netboot: hangs after kernel configuration
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dieter Baron <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/30/1996 14:34:05
i'm having trouble installing NetBSD 1.1 on my IPX (with a weitek
processor; a terminal is attachted as console) over the net (from an
i386 running NetBSD 1.0)
it boots and configures the kernel fine, up to printing
nfs_boot: using network interface 'le0'
nfs_boot: client_addr=0xc02aac01
nfs_boot: server_addr=0xc02aac02
nfs_boot: hostname=neruromancer
root on wintermute:/disk/ext/ipx/root
swap on wintermute:/disk/ext/ipx/swap
then accessses the disk on wintermute quite excessively for about a
minute, then it hangs (with the drive activity led on) and sometimes
panics after some time, printing:
data fault: pc=f807ecf8 addr=11c ser=80<INVAL>
panic: kernel fault
syncing disks... done
Frame pointer is at 0xf9e68830
Call traceback:
pc = f80d7384 args = (0, 90900fe5, f8109800, f9e68950, c, ffffffff) fp = f9e68898
pc = f801e8e8 args = (100, f80fb800, 1, f9e689c0, f9e68958, f9e68954) fp = f9e68900
(can't say if the values are the same every time.)
can anyone tell me what is going wrong?