Subject: Re: changes from apr 15 to apr 23
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/29/1996 14:14:51
On Apr 29, 10:46am, ( wrote:
-- Subject: Re: changes from apr 15 to apr 23

| Christos:
| Please explain to me this "timing calculation", if you will (or point
| me to it so's I can futz with it)?
| [...anyone else interested...?]
|    Funny thing is that those exact changes fixed my ELC problem... There may be
|    some timing calculation in the esp driver that makes the difference.
| They blew up my SS1+, and my SLC is *still* hosed.

The only thing that changed is delay... I am not sure. I've been futzing with
this for two weeks now, and suddently things started to work again.
