Subject: None
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Blake Wickliffe <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/03/1996 15:18:25
Hello, once again...Im pounding away at a SS ELC running NetBSD 1.1 and I
have come across an interesting puzzle.  The environment I am working in
centralizes all of our users home directories on a central server and
automounts them (via NFS) at login. I want to be able to do this also with
the NetBSD box.  I have successfully gotten YP working  (due in LARGE part
to the help of this mailing group) but I'm totally
stumped on this one.  It seems very different from the Solaris
system....Or am I just looking at it all wrong?  Any suggestions?
Comments?  Flames?  Thanks!