Subject: Re: amd mounts locking up system
To: None <>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/09/1996 12:39:51
> 	Thanks for all the help on the amd problem...Still havent quite
> gotten it resolved yet but I think there might be a deeper underlying
> problem here that is snagging me.  Any time I try to nfs mount a volume
> using mount, the whole system locks up.  We're talking STOP-A boot
> lock-up.  (If I do this in an X-Window, I can still use the other windows,
> but in any of those sessions if I try to cd to the nfs-mount point, it
> locks that session up too.)  Any explanation for this?  I am running stock
> NetBSD1.1 on an ELC, if that helps any.

You should probably post a snippet of the AMD map setup you're using for this.

Are you making sure to use a priviledged port in your AMD mounts?  It doesn't
do it by default, you have to explicitly tell it to do so in the map entries.
Mounting without use of a priviledged port causes all sorts of bizarre side
effects, though admittedly I can't recall system freeze-ups being one of them.

My amd maps contain

/defaults opts:=rw,nosuid,intr,grpid,resvport,timeo=20,retrans=8;remopts:=${opts

(though in practice each entry overwrites the opts above with an individual
 entry that doesn't include the remopts/rsize/wsize; my map files were

Make sure you've got that "resvport" in the "opts" fields of your own entries.

	- Greg