Subject: Re: Better SunOS than SunOS! (and minor X11R6.1 problem)
To: matthew green <>
From: Matthieu Herrb <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/28/1996 13:50:54
You wrote (in your message from Tue 28)
> i've also noticed R6.1 not having a repeat key. i need to fix this
> before NetBSD 1.2.
It's a XKB issue. Start X with -kb to disable XKB (ie `xinit -- -kb')
and autorepeat works again.
The correct fix is in XFree86 3.1.2E, but I don't remember exactly what
the patch is. When I go home (so that I have access to my XFree86 CVS
tree), I'll try to find some minutes to look at this.