Subject: Re: swap_pager_clean: clean of page %x failed
To: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Scott J. Ellentuch <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/03/1996 00:33:35
In der Mouse's own words (And I ">_") :
> I was investigating the swap_pager_clean bug (the one that produces
> "clean of page %x failed" complaints for no visible reason).  I believe
> I may have found the problem.  I'm certain I've found _a_ problem.
	But then that (I don't think) explains why I got it when
my system was completely NFS mounted (root and swap).


Scott J. Ellentuch, The Telecom Security Group, Newburgh, NY

"Over the UUCP link, out the ethernet, through the media converter, down
the fiber, off a router, down the 56K, past my ISP...nothing but Net" -
with poetic license from Dave Owen of IBM