Subject: Re: oops.
To: None <>
From: Peter Galbavy <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/03/1996 08:23:28
> I'd like to apologise to Miguel for jumping on him like I did and for wasting
> everyones time here this week, particularly bad week for me
> personally.

We all have them. I, for example, am stuck at home with a f*cked back, and
the only useful work I can do is to rework gated (again). I have learnt
from my previous enthusiam on this one, and I am taking it a little slower :)
Both my back and the gated sources.

BTW Who is interteted in a *BSD *specific* version of gated, if I get a
redistribution license ? (FYI I have discarded EGP, HELLO, SLSP, IS-IS/iso,
SNMP etc support, since I am only interested in BGP4, RIP2, OSPF and maybe
IDRP... and that is all I can test with :)

Remember kids, if you aren't having fun, then *why* are you doing it ?
(excepting being resposible to others of course... we have to suffer
Peter Galbavy                                 
@ Home                                                 phone://44/973/499465
in Wonderland                    