Subject: Re: oops.
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Peter Galbavy <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/03/1996 17:20:01
> > BTW Who is interteted in a *BSD *specific* version of gated, if I get a
> > redistribution license ? (FYI I have discarded EGP, HELLO, SLSP, IS-IS/iso,
> > SNMP etc support, since I am only interested in BGP4, RIP2, OSPF and maybe
> > IDRP... and that is all I can test with :)
> What would be different between a BSD-specific gated and the standard
> gated? I'm running an unmodified standard version (3.5beta2) on
> several 1.0/386 boxes here without problems.

The current gated is being maintained by people who are under resourced, and
so at the moment much of the old cruft is not being cleaned and fixed, while
the higher priority tasks (such as new OSPF code) are being implemented.

My project (self defined) is to get a stable, debuggable mainly BGP4 based
gated up and running. I seem to be learning CVS... I merged in the very
recent 3.6alpha2 release this morning.

There are many things that could still be done with a clearer knowledge of
the system the code will run on. sprintf() of long long's is an example...
and also much of the kernel interface stuff could do with some work.

I will be posting indicidual, small source changes back to the gated
maintainers, but since I am also redoing the thing to NetBSD-style
coding and Makefiles, wholesale changes will be difficult to submit.
Tracking new release should be OK, if I do this right.

Peter Galbavy                                 
@ Home                                                 phone://44/973/499465
in Wonderland                    