Subject: Re: Sun x/260 memory
To: David Gilbert <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/24/1996 04:58:46
On July 23, you wrote:
> 	I have 24M in each of my Suns --- a 3/260 and a 4/260.  Now
> the manuals that come with the machines speak of 'terminating
> resistors' on the cards --- and that all but the last card must have
> them removed.  Now, there are thingies (now you all know how technical
> I get about hardware) that resemble SCSI terminators on the board,
> none of them are removeable.  And... besides IC's, I can't find
> anything that would make sense to remove from the board --- let alone
> something to remove that is near the VME connectors.

  It's a DIP resistor pack, near the middle connector.  It's
yellowish-orange in color, not standard black chip epoxy.  I believe
it's a 16-pinner but I'm not sure.

> 	The only reason I worry about all this is that the CE
> (Correctible Error ?!?) light will come on for the card in the middle
> slot even if I change which card is in the middle slot (although I
> havn't booted all eight combinations yet).

  I've found those boards to be very forgiving...Several years ago,
when I didn't have much of a choice, I had a board which would light
up the CE light shortly after boot, and it'd stay on until the next
reboot when the flip-flop got reset.  It ran that way for almost three
years with nary an ill-effect.

                            -Dave McGuire
                             Systems Engineer
                             Digital Express Group, Incorporated