Subject: Re: Cheap SPARCstation 5's
To: None <>
From: Michael Ritzert <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/28/1997 09:39:54
Michael J. Miller Jr. writes:
> drives to motherboards.
> When I want inexpensive hardware I buy a PC. When I want reliable
> hardware I buy a sun.
Exactly, also you try pushing any PC arch machine to it's limits as far as
bus transfer goes and the PC will choke where as the Sun won't seeing their
bus structure and entire architecture were designed from the ground up to
That's why SUN had to replace the SPARC 10 by a SPARC 20 ( = 10 with
faster memory bus)? The 10 obviously was pushed at its limits to fast.
handle high data rates unlike the PC who's bus design hasn't changed much
in the past 15 years apart from getting wider ;).
He boy, we're talking about PCI+SCSI PCs, not ISA! And the PCI roughly
compares with the SBUS, only cheaper and --- more important -- some 8 years