Subject: Re: Netscape Communicator 4.0beta3: The Borg that ate my computer.
To: None <>
From: Rick Kelly <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/10/1997 22:54:14
Greg Earle said:
>netbsd4me:1:51 % netscape-4.0beta3
>/usr/local/bin/netscape-4.0beta3: Cannot allocate memory.
I have a Sun SPARC 2 here with 32 megs of memory running SunOS 4.1.4.
I tried netscape 4.0beta2. It started. Really, really slowly. The
browser came up and seemed to work connecting to
I tried reading news. The newsreader never fully came up. Eventually
it crashed and left a 28 meg core file.
I'll try netscape-4.0beta3 over the weekend and report my findings.
Rick Kelly