Subject: RE: svr4 emulation (LONG)
To: 'port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG' <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Graham, James <James.Graham@Schwab.COM>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/06/1997 17:25:18
unreliable (un' r@ li' @ b@l) adj. The state of SunOS Netscrape 3.01
under NetBSD after one picks the Options menu and dinks with
stuff under there. Occasionally netscape will just kind of go into
some tight loop not doing anything. 'ps' output shows that it
is in a 'R' or 'Rs' state, which indicates that something is in user-
It isn't that I can't run Slowlaris Netscrape, it's that I can't run
Slowlaris ANYthing that bugs me, especiallly when it looks as
though we ("What you mean 'we',. user?") have put in a LOT
of effort into making NetBSD/SPARC able to run SunOS and
Slowlaris binaries.
>From: Greg Earle[]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 1997 2:06 AM
>To: port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG
>Subject: Re: svr4 emulation (LONG)
>> I'm trying to run Netscrape for Solaris because Netscrape for
>> SunOS is unreliable (to say the least).
>Define "unreliable". :-)
>(Given your other problems with the Solaris binary, I'd say using the
> SunOS 4.1.3_U1 Netscape 3.01 binary is your best bet. I've had little
> trouble with it on my 1.2.1 system - not running -current - other than
> my oft-mentioned problems with excessive image use eventually bombing
> out the X server with *malloc()/*alloc()-related failures.)
> - Greg